Flavorful Sauce Online Store | Gourmet sauce - Ivy's Peppa Sauce

Our Story

Eat With Care Because We Make It With Love.

Who we are

From Panamá, With Love

Hi! I am Sabrina. It is nice to meet you!

This amazing sauce is 100 years old. My great grandmother used to make it when I was a child, and I am humbled and proud to bring it to market now. Our sauce comes all the way from Central America Panamá. When you taste Ivy’s Peppa sauce you are going to taste that “ooh-la-la moment,” you’ll taste my mother’s love of the sauce, and you are going to  forever have a fiesta in your mouth!

Sabrina Hero
Our values

The Only Language We Speak Is The Language of Flavor!

Rich, luxurious flavors place this sauce in a category unto itself. 


To establish Ivy's Peppa Sauce as the supplier of exotic and ethnic flavors to foodies with demanding taste


To meet the rising customer's demand for peppa sauce laced with exotic and ethnic flavors, just like Ivy's Peppa Sauce

Core Values

To be respectful and humble, always

We have bottled bliss

Natural ingredients that are low in sodium and sugar. Rich, complex textures and flavors that blend to create a truly unique taste experience.

Our Story

Ivy’s Peppa sauce | Pepper-infused sauce | Premium sauce

The Origin

More than 100 years ago, my great-grandmother, Mami, decided to make her own “peppa sauce.” Back then it was common for families to grow and cultivate their own sauces for condiments, and in Panamá the meals are all about the sauces! Mami’s recipe was passed down through oral tradition to my grandmother and my mother, who made the sauce frequently. I grew up with this wonderful flavor in my food every day.

About forty years ago, my younger sister and I visited my family in Panamá. We spent countless hours gathering around my grandmother, along with my aunt and lots of my cousins. We just soaked up all of her wisdom. The stories about her life and about how much she loved us were just heart warming to me. In that beautiful moment, I asked my grandmother to share her peppa sauce recipe with me. With a notebook and a black writing pen, I wrote down every word. She reminded me to handle the turmeric carefully because it will stain my hands and everything it touches. Yikes, I thought! I tucked my grandmother’s recipe in my Betty Crocker Cookbook and never thought of it again for many years.

My handy-dandy Betty Crocker’s™ Cookbook (Jan 1, 1978) is stuffed with a collection of amazing handwritten recipes from my travels all over the world, including my time spent in the US Navy. I gathered these recipes together from countless friends and family gatherings all around the world.

A few years ago, our daughter-in-law celebrated her birthday and I wanted to surprise her with a birthday cake. So, off I went to get my trusty Betty Crocker’s™ Cookbook! As I turned the well-used book pages, a writing paper folded in four fell to the floor.

“Hmmm,” I thought. Just as I reached for the paper, I wondered what this special recipe was about. I straightened up the paper, and something caught my heart. The old folded paper was my grandmother’s peppa sauce recipe that I had written down some forty years ago! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I grabbed a hold of the kitchen chair, and held the paper to my heart. Tears of joy flowed from my eyes, and at that moment I knew that God had written this dream in my heart for the future. 

It was at that moment that I caught a vision of bringing this delicious Peppa sauce recipe to the market and sharing it with the world. Since then, I have worked tirelessly to perfect the recipe and prepare it for market!

The Recipe

To make an original, great-tasting peppa sauce, it has to have a unique blend of the best ingredients. Ivy’s Peppa Sauce has that and more!

The recipe contains onions, garlic, pinches of curries, turmeric, and the purée of Scotch Bené Peppers–all without unnecessary added sugar or sodium!

Our vegetables are grown on the Amish Stauffer’s Produce and Green House Farm in Southern Maryland. These crops are grown on fertile land and aren’t treated with pesticides. The rotation of the Amish planting different crops keeps the soil healthy, which in turn produces more flavorful and richer tasting vegetables than the average vegetables. 

The sauce integrates two key elements that make it a true luxury sauce:

  1. Ivy’s Peppa Sauce packs an amazing aroma and flavor, unlike any other sauce out there. The flavors, aromas, and textures are wholly unique, and provide a “luxury experience.” 
  2. Ivy’s Peppa Sauce provides significant health benefits from turmeric and curry – both potent anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. Ivy’s is also naturally low sodium and low sugar. All natural, healthy ingredients are the core of what makes Ivy’s Peppa Sauce great!
Ivy’s Peppa sauce | Pepper-infused sauce | Premium sauce
Panama Photo

The Culture

Our Panamánian culture is deep rooted in “family first.” The way of life is influenced by the fact that Panamá is uniquely situated near both the Caribbean and South America. 

Panamá’s biggest party is the carnival. Growing up I remember the city Colon coming alive with this colorful celebration. The favorite Panamanian hot sauce, also known as Aji Chombo, is a spicy and flavorful sauce. This indeed is a staple in Panamánian cuisine, and an inspiration of Ivy’s Peppa Sauce. Our goal is to bottle the fiesta culture and let those flavors speak through every bite!

Taste the authentic flavors of Panama!

Experience this all-natural, luxurious flavor that is bound to get your attention! We’re not about heat. We’re about fiesta!

Ivy's Peppa Sauce Festival